Stickleback Update

I’m really excited to say that my pamphlet will be coming out shortly from Hedgehog Poetry!

Like everything else in life, it has been a wee bit delayed due to the pandemic etc, but huge thanks to Mark from Hedgehog Poetry for persevering and organising it.

Blue and cream book cover with a drawing of a stickleback fish and the word Stickleback at the top, poet's name Jude Alexzander at the bottom.

I’ll be able to post them out once they arrive from the printers, probably from 11th June onwards.

You can order a copy using Paypal below:

Price + Postage

You can contact my by email or on Twitter with any queries or issues.

In the meantime, you can check out all the other brilliant poetry they already publish at the Hedgehog Poetry Press.



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